Tuition Fee

Tuition Fee, thare two type :

  1. Tuition for By Course
  2. Tuition Fee for By Research

Education Fee (Package/Student)

  1. Registration        : Rp. 750,000,-
  2. Attribute              : Rp. 285,000,-
  3. Matriculation      : Rp. 3,500,000,-
  4. Tuition Fee          : Rp. 8,000,000,- by Course (Once)
  5. Tuition Fee          : Rp. 10,000,000,- By Research (Once)
  6. Educational Fee : Rp. 9,000,000,- each Semester By Course
  7. Educational Fee : Rp. 10,000,000,- each Semester By Research

(1-5 paid once up front)

The amount of education costs until graduation when added up from registration to graduation for (3 semesters/18 months) is Rp. 38,500,000,-  by Course and by Research Rp 43,500,000,-. The above costs do not include Registration Fees, Field Trip (KKL), Graduation. Details according to the Rector’s Decree (Click here).