In commemoration of the 2019 Environment Day, the Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences and the Doctor of Environmental Sciences at the Graduate School of Diponegoro University held a discussion on Air Pollution Control and a book review by Prof. Dr. Sudharto P. Hadi, MES, Ph.D. The book is entitled Bunga Rampai Environmental Management Part Two (Thafa Media Yogyakarta, 2019) and Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (UNDIP Press 2019) with the theme “Clean Air and Sustainable Development”, Tuesday 18 July 2019 at the Postgraduate A building UNDIP Pleburan Campus.

Two books by Prof. Dr. Sudharto P. Hadi, MES, Ph.D. which was launched will be dissected by Meizar Effendi Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT PKT, and Dr. Krisdyatmiko, UGM CSR expert. The second book is an update of the first book which was launched in 2014 and this time will be reviewed by Dr. Prabang Setiyono, Head of the UNS Environmental Science Doctoral Program.

The Air Pollution Control Discussion presented by the Head of the Environment and Forestry Office of Central Java Province, Ir. Teguh Dwi Paryono, M.T., and Haryono Setyo Huboyo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Lecturer at Diponegoro University and Ahmad Syafrudin Executive Director of the Committee for the Elimination of Leaded Gasoline.