Master of Environmental Science
The Excellent Research University
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Launching of 25th Anniversary of MIL Undip Runs Successfully, Alumni Give Messages and Deep Impressions
Semarang – The Master of Environmental Science (MIL) Study Program of Diponegoro University...
Fruit Tree Planting Enlivens the Series of 25th MIL Anniversary at KHDTK Undip
Semarang – The Master of Environmental Science (MIL) Study Program of Diponegoro University...
Launching of the Anniversary Activities of the Master of Environmental Science (MIL) Postgraduate Program, Diponegoro University
On Friday, January 31, 2025, at 09.00 WIB, the launch of the Anniversary of the Master of...
General Lecture: “Life Cicle for Energy and Environment” By Prof. Dr. Shabir H Geewala
General Lecture: “Life Cicle for Energy and Environment” By Prof. Dr. Shabir H Geewala From King Mongkhut Thonburi University of Technology Thailand is a collaboration with the Graduate School and King Mongkhit University. Conducted in : Day/Date: Tuesday/6 September...
Welcome Meeting for New Student Admissions for International Class Undip Scholarships Online
The Undip Master of Environmental Sciences (MIL) has accepted new international class students from the Undip Scholarship in 2022 for this odd semester. The activity will be held on this Friday, September 2, 2022 at 13:30 Wib. A Welcome Ceremony to new International...
Data is a valuable asset Not all data can be utilized, especially when it is associated with developing social issues. Only valid and accurate data can be used. In order to be used, the data must be processed first. To be able to process data, a person must have...
Workshop Invitation : SUBFOSSIL CLADOCERA Introductory
We hereby inform you that one of the WCU Programs at the Graduate School of Diponegoro University is the Visiting Scientist (Marta Wojewódka-Przybył, Ph.D) from the Institute of Geological Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences Poland. One of the series of activities is...
The environment is one of the global issues besides two other issues, namely democracy and human rights. Global issues mean issues faced by countries in the world both developed and developing countries. This is because environmental problems stem from the same main source of development activities. Development basically utilizes natural resources as an effort to improve human welfare. History shows that the use of natural resources that do not pay attention to the carrying capacity of the environment causes damage that threatens human existence itself. Various environmental damages such as depletion of the ozone layer, global heat, acid rain, climate change, degradation of biodiversity, soil degradation, land erosion, air pollution, water, flooding, and so on encourage the thinking of environmental importance into consideration in development policies.