3 The Technical Team from KLHK Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and Mil collaborated to conduct a survey in Semarang City for 3 days from 4-6 April 2023 in preparation for preparing a study on the potential for waste generation arising from the disaster, the survey was carried out at the Asset site countries with potential big risks such as PLN, Pertamina Depot, and Marina Beach. The purpose of the survey is a Quick Assessment Simulation to Estimate the Waste that Arises from Disasters. It appears that Sri Saptaningsih, the head of the Survey Team, Arief Firdaus and Lina Herlina from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Dr Eng Maryono, ST, MT from Mil, assisted by Dzaki and Metha.

The following is a visible survey photo at Pertamina, PLN and Marina Beach.