Anindya windy Ratnasari, Master of Environmental Sciences (MES) student for the Class of MIL 61, Class of 2020, has passed the A-Score Proposal Seminar with Advisor Dr. Hartuti Purnaweni, MPA, Dr. Lita Tyesta Addy Listya Wardhani, S.H., M.Hum., and examiners Dr. Jafron Wasiq Hidayat, M.Sc and Dr. Drs. Subagiyo, M.Si on Thursday, September 1, 2022 in Hybrid.
Proposal Seminar Exam in Hybrid form where the Supervisor as Examiner Dr Lita Addy Listya Wardhani, SH, MHum in the Undip MIL Meeting Room with His Students and Three Other Examiners Online using MS Team Media.
Proposal seminar exams, results seminars and compulsory exams for students whose homes are near a radius of 100 km for offline, while for thesis exams, all must be offline. A photo of the Hybrid Proposal Seminar Exam is shown.