Participants who are entitled to take the TOEFL test are (a) Participants who pass the TPA on October 27, 2018; and/or (b) Participants who already have valid National Selection TPA scores and have met the requirements, but their TOEFL scores do not meet the requirements, so they are immediately invited to take the TOEFL test.

The financing of the TOEFL selection uses a cost-sharing mechanism. Pusbindiklatren bears the costs of the tests, namely: material costs, space rental, supervisors, and local people in charge. Meanwhile, the participant’s origin institution bears the transportation costs (PP travel tickets) to and from the exam location.

TOEFL will be held on Saturday, November 17, 2018, starting at 08.00 (local time) in Lecture Room B-402-403 Master Program in Environmental Sciences Postgraduate B Building 4th Floor, Jl Imam Bardjo, SH No.3-5 Semarang. Candidates are required to be present 30 (thirty) minutes before the test starts. The equipment that participants need to bring is a. 2B pencil; b. Pencil sharpener; c. Eraser; and D. Valid Identity Card (mandatory).