Semarang, December 3, 2024 – Darmawan Hendri Sriyono, a MIL UNDIP student, has successfully demonstrated that a company’s CSR program can be a catalyst in improving community welfare. In the seminar exam results held in the MIL 408 Meeting Room, Postgraduate Building A, Darmawan presented the results of his research which showed a significant impact of the CSR program on the economy and social environment of the Tanjung Mas Village community.
This research received appreciation from the examining team consisting of Dr. Ir. Bambang Yulianto, DEA, Dr. Purnawan Adi Wicaksono, S.T., M.T., and Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si. They considered that Darmawan’s research had an important contribution in developing a more effective and sustainable CSR program.