Master of Environmental Science, Graduate School of Diponegoro University (Undip) has succeeded in producing 11 new graduates in the 176th period. The graduation which took place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at Muladi Dom, was attended by 5 graduates. A proud achievement was achieved by Silvia Rahmawati who graduated with laude and the highest GPA.
Diversity is also a color in itself in this graduation. Of the 11 graduates, there are 5 foreign students from Timor Leste, Pakistan, Sudan, and Rwanda. One of them, Theogene Niyonzima, also won the title of laude.
After receiving their diplomas at the graduation ceremony at Muladi Dom, the graduates took part in a briefing at the Postgraduate Building B, 2nd Floor, Pleburan Campus in the afternoon.
This briefing was attended by all personnel of the Graduate School, including the dean, vice dean, head of study programs, and educators. The Dean of the Graduate School, Prof. Dr. Agung Wibowo, ST., MM., officially opened the event. One of the interesting sessions was a presentation from Prof. Purwanto about career planning after graduation.