On Sunday 16 February 2025 at 19:00, the second online zoom meeting for identification and alumni story activities for the class of 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 was held. This meeting is organized by the Master of Environmental Sciences (MIL) University [Name of University]. MIL is a postgraduate program which aims to produce graduates who have academic and professional abilities in the field of environmental science.
Previously, the 2000-2002 class had already held a similar meeting to welcome 25 years of the Master of Environmental Science. This meeting was attended by several alumni from the classes of 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006, such as Sugiharto, Poerna Sri Oetari, Karyadi, Bambang Wuragil (2003), Eko Sumardiyono and E Yudha Harfani from the Bontang Class (2005), Widayati Kusumastuti, Ismail and Niniek (2006), as well as the management and committee.
During the meeting, each alumni introduced themselves and told about their experiences when they were at college. There were those who talked about the excitement of taking part in field activities at [Location], there were also those who recalled funny moments during presentations in front of lecturers.
This online meeting is the beginning of a larger activity which will be held face-to-face (offline) on Saturday, May 3 2025, to coincide with MIL’s 25th birthday. The peak event of this celebration is planned to be held at a hotel in Semarang with various interesting activities, such as Game, Role Playing, Exbition etc. For MIL alumni from the classes of 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 who haven’t had the chance to join yet, don’t miss the opportunity to reminisce and meet old friends at the peak event of MIL’s 25th anniversary celebration! Further information regarding the location of the event and registration will be announced later through the coordinator of each class.