The night of August 16, 2022, which coincides with the Tirakatan Independence August 17, 2022 at 19.00 The Manager of the Environmental Science Masters held a meeting with lecturers or course supervisors to prepare for the 2022/2023 Academic Year Lectures. This activity is a routine activity carried out before each semester’s lectures will begin. The preparatory meeting was attended by the founding Senior Lecturer of the Master of Environmental Science Program, Prof. Drs Sudharto P Hadi, MES. PhD, Head of Study Program for the period 2000-2005 or the beginning of the establishment of the Master of Environmental Sciences.

The meeting besides providing information on the development of the Master Program in Environmental Science which is currently led by Dr Eng Maryono, ST, MT and the Secretary, namely Dr Fyad Muhammad, SSi, MSi also asked for suggestions and contributions from Lecturers, especially by the Founders or founders of MIL. From the discordant suggestions, it can be concluded that for every addition of a new young lecturer, it needs to be confirmed with the previous lecturer. There needs to be a PPT document for each lecturer so that when a senior lecturer is no longer teaching, it can be continued again.  For more details, see the atmosphere of the meeting and the video for the New Semester TA Lecture Preparation. 2022/2022