MIL Alumni dominate in the Graduate School Alumni Network Talkshow Activities
Alumni Master of Environmental Sciences (MIL) dominated the Alumni Network Talkshow held by the Graduate School of Diponegoro University Saturday, August 27, 2022. The talkshow with the title SPS Alumni Synergizes Building the Country with Resource Persons Dr Ling Alvin Lie, MSi from Alumni members of ambusdmen 20214-2020 and dr Lily Kresnowati, MKes, BPJS director with resource person Dr. Hartuti Purnaweni, MPA.
The talkshow was opened by Dr. RM Sularto as the dean of the Postgraduate School and continued with Presentation from the Head of the UNDIP Rating Office Prof. Dr. Denny Sugianto, ST, MSi and continued with explanations from resource persons moderated by Dr. Hartuti Purnaweni.
MIL has a total of 751 alumni who attended the booking and attended about 100 people enough to color the talkshow event. About 15% were able to take part in the event, because there were separate activities and obstacles in the Network area, so many did not participate, despite the insufficient information provided and the absence of a coordinator for each Force, but among the existing study programs, MIL dominated the study programs. other.