Semarang, April 26 2024 – In commemoration of Earth Day which is usually celebrated every April 22, Prof. Sudharto Prawata Hadi, MES, Ph.D, Professor of Environmental Management from Diponegoro University (Undip), at the beginning of his retirement as a civil servant, launched two important books entitled “Environmental Management Part Four” and “Sustainable Business: Theory and Implementation” . The first book is a continuation of the widely acclaimed Environmental Management series, while the second book was written with Prof. Bulan Prabawani, S.Sos., M.M., Ph.D, is a Professor in the field of business and sustainability.

At the book launch, Prof. Sudharto explained that these two books discuss how environmental aspects can be implemented in public and corporate policies. He emphasized the urgency of dealing with the increasingly damaged and fragile condition of the earth. “Our Earth is already very damaged and fragile, so it requires steps to be taken to prevent further damage,” said Prof. Sudharto. Prof. Bulan Prabawani added that business and the environment have a very close relationship. Business not only contributes to economic growth and employment, but also plays an important role in fulfilling people’s consumption. Sustainable business transformation, according to him, is an important step in which business operations that were previously solely profit-oriented must now pay attention to balance with nature, and function to support the natural and social environment. With the launch of this book, it is hoped that it can provide new insights and inspire various parties to care more about the environment, and implement sustainable business practices for a better future for the earth.