Friday, July 3, 2020, at TPQ- NURUL QOYYIMAH – Tanjung Village, Semarang City, donations from the Alumni Master of Environmental Science (MES) have been handed over. This activity was represented by Mrs. Widodo, the Orphanage, and handed over by Andi Kurniawan as Chair of the UNDIP MES Student Association witnessed by the local RT and Head of the Environmental Science Masters Program Mr. Dr. Eng. Maryono. The second location is at the Sayung District Office. The donation was handed over directly to the community affected by the environmental impact of Bedono Village, witnessed by MES Alumni from Demak, Head of the Environmental Science Masters Study Program, and Bedono Village Head Pak Agus Salim. This social service activity is one of the series of the UNDIP MES Decade Anniversary of the 20th Anniversary of the previous National Seminar.