Data is a valuable asset Not all data can be utilized, especially when it is associated with developing social issues. Only valid and accurate data can be used. In order to be used, the data must be processed first. To be able to process data, a person must have competence in the field of data science. The science that studies the process of processing raw data into useful information is Data Science or commonly called Data Science, where in data science the data processing process starts from the process of extracting data to data presentation. In the world of academia, data is needed for research purposes or in scientific writing. The benefits of studying data science for academics include helping to hone skills in analyzing and being able to think critically so that they can increase innovation and solve problems appropriately. To find out more about the benefits of data science in scientific writing, the UPT Library and Undip Press and FKP3 Undip held a webinar series 21 with the topic “UTILIZATION OF DATA SCIENCE IN SCIENTIFIC WRITING TO ANALYZE SOCIAL ISSUES”.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

08.30 – 11.30 WIB

Zoom Meeting : (password will be sent via e-mail H-1)

Webinar Registration: Source: Hendro Margono, S.Sos., M.Sc., Ph. D Senior Lecturer at Airlangga University

Webinars Moderators: Enny Anggraeny, S.S Librarian of UPT Library and Undip Press

E-certificate available OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Contact person: UPT Library and Undip Press: 082135876098