Field Trip (KKL) 2021

Master of Environmental Sciences at Diponegoro University is again carrying out Field Trip (KKL) in 2021 under the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, KKL activities are still carried out independently by each student. This KKL activity was attended by 44 students. Each student is given an independent KKL task in the form of making 11 infrastructure videos which are 0-2 Km from each student’s house. Each video is 2-3 minutes long which is packaged as attractively as possible. The list of infrastructure in question is:

  1. Housing
  2. Park
  3. Provision of Clean Water Access
  4. Drainage
  5. Waste Water
  6. Solid Waste Management
  7. Electricity
  8. Gas Supply System (Cooking)
  9. Public Telecommunications
  10. Road
  11. Public Transportation

After students make a video, the results will be presented to the lecturer in the Field Trip (KKL). This is a form of assessment of student work. Some of the results of the KKL videos made by students can be seen at the link provided below.

Location 1

Videos 1; Videos 2; Videos 3; Videos 4; Videos 5; Videos 6; Videos 7; Videos 8; Videos 9; Videos 10; Videos 11; Report

Location 2

Videos 1; Videos 2; Videos 3; Videos 4; Videos 5; Videos 6; Videos 7; Videos 8; Videos 9; Videos 10; Videos 11; Report